Finance Council
We are directed in our ministry, first and foremost, by Gospel values of Christian Stewardship in fulfilling our responsibility. Appropriate, efficient and effective use and management of Parish resources must contribute to the Parish's Mission and Ministry. Good business practices are a part of the skill-set we bring to our ministry. Our fundamental responsibility as good stewards and central to that responsibility is to inspire our community to give back to God the first fruits of God's abundant blessings to us.
In all judicial matters, the Pastor alone acts in the person of Holy Trinity Parish in accordance with the Church and Civil Law. The Pastor is to ensure that the Parish temporal goods for the spiritual welfare of the parish are administered in accordance with the norms of Canon Law and is to consult with the Parish Finance Council in doing so as the law requires.
As directed by Canon Law, at Holy Trinity Parish there is to be a Parish Finance Council to help the Pastor in the administration of the temporal goods for the spiritual welfare of the parish, without prejudice to the above described jurisdiction belonging solely to the Pastor alone. The Parish Finance Council is governed by universal Ecclesiastical Law, by Diocesan Statutes, and by the norms promulgated by the Diocesan Bishop. As such, the role of the Parish Finance Council is advisory and consultative. By nature the Parish Finance Council does not possess decision-making authority unless such an action is requested of it by the Pastor. In addition, the Parish Finance Council does not possess the power of veto.
CLICK HERE for a full copy of our Duties, Responsibilities and Code of Conduct.